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chess qeen on two squares, showing startegic consultant progress

Strategic Thinking

Two "brand stamps" to indicate company branding and company rebranding

Company Branding Personal Branding

square bullseye image with exclamation mark, representing on-target marketing communications and direct marketing

Business owners and managers of Small-Medium companies work hard in so many areas  — you don't want to short-circuit your success…

Fuzzy company branding…they don't get it?  

No strategic thinking to address issues and set direction?


Weak positioning of your products and services slowing down sales?


Marketing missteps? 


Business and process issues… unknown or Ignored?


Lack of coordinated thinking?

LinkedIn gave Joel a Best of 2017 Brand Marketing award recognition.
selected by inflence digest as one of top linkedin expert for personal branding  in atlanta for 2023
logo of Robert Fritz inc. As a Structural Consultant, developing  Business Strategy & Advisory Consulting, Joel ha trained extensively wth the Robert Fritz, Inc. organization.
BMA logo - Joel is a Certified Business Communicator, certified by the Business Marketing Association
Joel is also a Inbound Marketing Certified Professional, as certified by the Inbound Marketing University

That’s why you might want to energize your business with MarketPower, my seriously-different mashup consultancy

Because you want to move beyond just "activity," because all the social media posts,  Google ads, or disjointed efforts in the world won't help much if, for example,  your audience, messaging and Offers/CTSs aren't on target.

Because you realize you need integrated thinking and action to build stronger business foundation, qualified leads and customers, greater profitability and growth.

MarketPower brings you specialized strategic & creative superpowers — with big-picture perspective to help you energize our business:

• bullseye branding & rebranding that lights up your business, driven by innovative strategic process and insights, creating your powerful positioning

• breakthrough strategic thinking to deliver higher-Impact with your programs, processes, ideation, decision-making, strategic planning

• big marketing and advertising "concepts" that make your business, offerings & presentations pop — award-winning work in all media, from website to billboards, video to trade shows

• effective, targeted marketing communication — email direct mail, and social media with stronger segmenting,  creative concepts, CTA's/Offers… so you get stronger results.

We tailor a unique combination of practical consulting… virtual ad agency… and executive coaching. Comprehensive programs or à la carte. 

chess squares, showing moement of startegi cplanning and startegy consulting
chess queen, showng the power of strategic consulting

Gain Greater
Strategic Insight

Strong strategic insight changes everything. Your business direction, ongong choices, the way you sell…

You've got tough business issues — short-term issues to big-picture strategic planning. Our thinking tools are efficient & holistic (and you can't get them elsewhere). We get at the source, not the symptom… uncovering opportunities… Let's build!

A rubber stamp look of the word "brand" to indicate branding andrebrandng as part of company positioning and branding
A rubber stamp look of the word "brand" to indicate branding and brand identity

Your Brand

You want insightful branding that  positions your company, products & services from the get-go.

You want your website & all company communications to help you create business impact. Your brand engages audience(s) and  accelerates sales. Let prospects  know your business is their right choice!  Let's level up!

a square bullseye, to indiate on-target marketing commnications, copywriting, and use of marketing communications media
an exclamation mark, representing propsect and custer engagement in lead generation, social media, corporate communications and more

Target Your Messaging

Ideas resonate with people. Let's build your marketing foundation and energize your business.


We gain higher value for your website interactions, email, direct mail, targeted social media, presentations, more. With award-winning marketing communication, stronger tactics, CTAs/Offers… to spark engagement, sales, retention & referrals! Let's go!

So you think
"all marketers
are the same"?

photo of a wide row of SouthStar Awards, presented for the combination of business strategy, creative marketing communicatios, and response results


If you're investing money and opportunity cost by hiring a consultancy or agency, you want to make good choices. Slow down…breathe…  give your business a few more seconds! 


Disjointed strategy and cut-rate branding and marketing can't deliver the results you want.  Throwing out more Social Media and spending more on Google Ads may not be the answer for your business.


You want to steer the business in the right direction, with strong strategic thinking, brand positioning, targeted marketing, efficient operations. So…  

Plug In

plug in!

Let's talk about building a stronger business foundation, profitability and growth. Coffeeshop or online.
Let's energize the business!

coffee mug with MarketPower's "bulb" brand  icon

This high-value consult will address your interests. Provide valuable insights using a breakthrough consulting approach. And help sort out your plans and potential next steps.  It's yours, with our compliments. Zoom or coffee shop. You're buying— very dark (about 1 tbsp milk), 1/2 tsp sugar. 

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