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What makes your business distinctive ?

Do you have a Better Way?
A Different Way?

What do you offer, and how
…tangible & intangible?

Is your "Brand Marketing"
… built on strong Branding?

How do your prospects perceive what you sell?

Your prospects want to know: 

"What's In It For Me?"


Branding Q's
purposefully fuzzy image of people inconfrence room, during branding session, as we developed company name, logo and tagline
rubber stamp on handle that says brand, representng develiping company brand identity

Is your strategy or branding a little fuzzy,…? Let's focus…

a rubber stamp of the word "brand" to show atlanta brand consultant joe alpert's strategic approach to branding, using a process developed by robert fritz inc.

Atlanta Brand Consultant suggests you think about this...

You’ve invested more, including SEO and Google ads and Social Media and Sales efforts  — but if your branding doesn’t engage visitors, you’re losing prospects who are shopping… and your competitors win.

Your brand must make an impact, showing buyers they’re in the right place — so they want to buy, buy more, and do it sooner.

When prospects encounter your brand. and there's no clarity or impact… there's a disconnect, and you're tripping up the entire business.

Branding starts with company name, logo, tagline, primary messaging, colors and hero image on your homepage.  It should be driven by strategic thinking tailored to your market. And that thinking extends across all areas of the business, including what you do, and how prospects and customers perceive what you do.

Strong brand positioning converts more prospects into loyal customers. Adding real value. Making all the difference.

Why Focus on Brand?
people working in meeting room doing branding session, lead by brand consultant joel alpert

… let's focus your strategy and branding, so you can maximize the potential of your company.

a "branding stamp," to indicate our brand identity development

Atlanta Brand Consultant's MarketPower delivers a fresh approach to help you gain stronger, sustained impact. Introducing…


PowerBranding icon represents brand consultant's unique licensed process for developing strategic brand identity quickly and brilliantly.

Your "brand" energizes your business. Isn't it time you gained smarter strategic branding that tells buyers why they should say "yes"… so you can gain new business more effectively?

PowerBranding brings out your team’s best thinking and ours, using Structural Dynamics Consulting — a "relational thinking" process like no other process.

Your branding shouldn't just be cosmetic — it's not just new colors on your website. It ain't superficial — because "template thinking," assumptions, and fill-in-the-blanks exercises are a waste of time.


PowerBranding is an innovative thinking process that digs into the substance of your business.  Helping us determine and connect your prospect's' interests with your offerings.  

We can use these no-kidding breakthrough strategic thinking tools to refine your overall brand with logo, tagline, and bullseye messaging to differentiate your organization…  company, product and service offerings… sales and marketing, processes and coaching — whatever the business needs to move the ball ahead. 


This process combines the breakthrough strategic consulting approach developed by Robert Fritz, Inc., with the award-winning work of MarketPower.

We'll deconstruct…define… articulate… and construct the essence of your brand —  so all your sales, marketing, and business efforts can be more efficient and profitable.



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What branding components might we work on together to energize your business? Our innovative and insightful process is customized to your interests. You may not need to do "everything," but key elements to consider… • company name, logo, tagline, and  positioning (key messages) • tweaking the way you offer your products and services, if needed,  so prospects really want them (sometimes small adjustments make all the difference!) • Upgrade your website focus and content so it tells and sells like hell, and earns the trust of your markets (lots of ways to do this, it should be specific your you business) • Figure out and produce best content and presentation for your sales materials, to meet buyer motivations • Recharge your social media profiles and posts to champion your branding ​ • Develop journey mapping based on customer experience, so you match your sales and marketing process to the way your customers actually buy • Boost your customer experience, your CTAs/Offers, your processes, your response and success. • And we do whatever else it takes, your choice  — brand identity, award-winning creative marketing  communication, effective presentations, help set priorities, coaching, and more — so your best assets can work to your best advantage.. You know why, right?  To "energize your business!" ​


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Your prospects gain their first impression of your business via these 3 brand positioning components:

Company Name,
Logo, Tagline

MarketPower bulb, a shining light to developing company names, logos and taglines

Your company name, logo and tagline are important starting points — the first things your prospects and customers encounter. It's their visual association as they explore and remember their interactions with your brand.


Your branding should be driven driven by your business focus — your business direction, your market, your marketing… and more.  Strong branding — company, products & services — is your opportunity to make a great first impression…and keep it.

Your "brand" extends to a range of interactions, from company communication and processes through the more visible signs of your branding.

Here are samples of our work…​

Filmtribe tagline and website copywriting developed by MarketPower, as part of it's brand strategy and brand identity.
logo and tagline for Lindner Educational COnsultants done by MarketPower
Logo and tagline for Renderrific, by marketpower, architectural renderings business
AT&T logo, Tagline for major telecommuictions firm, developed by Joel Alpert of MarketPower

Sounds Good For Business.

TechVelocity company name, logo and tagline includes our brand development, produced in Atlanta by MarketPower  fo our client in Minneapolis.
Marketpower logo and tagline for black columns small business bookkeeping
Logo icon and tagline for barter company.
super signs super fast logo and tagline, developed by MarketPower as prt of its brand identity, for a small signmaking franchise started in Atlanta. Company Name, logo and tagline by MarketPower
Product development program, includig producty designn naming and brand positioning, devloped by MarketPower
Name, logo and tagline, a part of brand identity development for a wellness/laughter yoga company based in Minnesotawe named Laugh Healthy!
Company name, logo, tagline for consulting and training business in manufacturing
Brand development and brand strategy, through tagline and brand marketing and targeted marketing communications for international insurance firm based in Toronto.
New tagline and brand positioning for location-based servicee and brand positioning, for location-based service (LBS), developed for apple and android app
Brand strategy for California-based technology training for company that trains new techies for Fortune 500 companies, supplying trained IT professionals already familiar with thier coompany's processes.
Frequent flyer program of Amerian Airlnes and frquencymarekting program of Bes Western teamed up for a mutially-beneficial relationship. We teamed up with aprominent Atlnta ad agncy to produce this high-visibility program in just 45 days!
Developed brand identity, with logo and logo icon for rapidly-growing broker-dealer, which tarnsacts trades f r financial planning professionals.
Company name, logo, tagline and brand positioning for uique furniture company i Atlanta, importing custom-crafted furniture from India... for MarketPower in Atlanta

One-of-a-kind furniture art

hand-crafted from

antique architectural details

marektpower logo and tagline for Koyfman colonics and whole body cleansing, a small specialized health maintenance business

Cleanse your body. Go with the flow.

"Ideas resonate with people. Ideas make brands and clients famous…the actual craft of the creative – the design, the copy and the user experience – matters too. Nuance means getting the  execution ”just right” so as to match the target and the ambition of the idea, as well as fit the category."

— DMN Magazine

You want to see more?

Feel free to click thru…

logo for LifeLifts

Feldenkrais Method body awareness & therapy

MarketPower Logo

As your branding consultants we take a proprietary stance and go further for you…
…with a pivotal strategic program that brings out your best thinking and ours. We create clear, powerful company branding, and business guidance to help you enhance your offerings and sell more effectively.


Our brand identity mission statement was -- literally -- engraved in stone on th walls of its UnitedStates Headquarters in Atlanta.
Our brand strategy tagline for a fast-growing film production company in Atlanta.

Our strategy and branding has been engraved in stone, for Canada Life… and applied in vinyl for FilmTribe Entertainment. Our work makes an impact on the walls of Small-Medium-and Large Companies.

“Thank you to the very talented, branding and marketing genius, Joel Alpert, who created FilmTribe's tagline:  "We shoot it. We kill it. Your audience eats it up."  Brilliant!!! And on our website, thank you Joel for the ridiculously awesome copy!”

Yelena Hertzberg



"In short, you've helped us revitalize our brand in the U.S. market:  

•  Strategic thinking through our new branding statement (which I love to see in our lobby), and our new tagline

•  Bringing our sales and marketing together, (with your excellent coaching!)

•  Superb positioning, concept and copywriting for a range of our new marketing materials.


When we launched at our annual meeting — which you helped engineer — we got the best reaction from Sales, ever received — they say they are now ready to take on Unum! Thank you!"

Pat Nodine Vallejo

Group Marketing Director

Canada Life

"I knew I needed to create a focused and distinctive brand and online presence. Based on strong recommendations and impressive results with a trusted colleague, I turned to Joel at MarketPower to help me with this critical exercise… 

"…Joel has the insights key to help a variety of organizations deliver sharp, focused branding, interesting content and interactive tools to attract and gain credibility among prospects. Joel is incredibly dedicated to his clients. He works creatively and tirelessly to ensure he produces a quality product that delivers results."


(See "They're Saying...")

Worth It?
Branding Blogs
brandng stamp to indicate company branding consultants work
rebrandnig stamp, showing impact of atlanta brand consultant on business positioning

"We've been in business.
"We have a brand.
"The market's changed.
We've changed.
"We're thinking about rebranding…"


PowerBranding quote about sugain sustainable advantage


Why even do

this kind of work?


Click Me!


It's a real shift in substance.

And perception.

And might even include tweaks  to the way you do business — from markets to communication to processes.


And we make you look great.

And that makes a very big difference for your business!

And we often "cross over" to a greater degree of "strategic planning" and "customer journey mapping" in our branding process. Because your brand may need to adjust your products, services, and processes to meet the interests of customers. These tweaks may be large or small… and have powerful impact.

For most companies, we can get most of the "customer-facing" branding done within 30 days. And we can continue to tune up your business machine.

Can it get any better than that?

"Joel really distinguishes himself by focusing significant time upfront on understanding your business and your objectives. This time spent at the beginning of the process, laying out the overall positioning and value proposition, was key in guiding the content and site development."

(See "They're Saying...')

Is branding "something nice" that the graphics people want to do… or is there a business case for it?

Fresh Thinking… Guaranteed!

It's tough choosing a partner for good guidance and work for your business. So: Why Choose MarketPower 


Find what you want with navigation… or if you want to drill down into specialized  PowerTools…   Services Index

"Joel is one of those rare people that can match business strategy and creative marketing and truly understands the challenges of being the owner of a company. Work with Joel and you'll get 'off the fence' and great things begin to happen!"

(See "They're Saying...")

Grab a cup of MarketPower

30-Minute Complimentary Coffee Consult. In-Person or Virtual.

We'll address your interests. Identify priorities. Provide insights and help you sort out  potential next steps.

It's yours, with our compliments.You're buying coffee. Dark, no sugar.

We can also send an engaging PDF on PowerBranding… just ask.

MarketPower coffee Mug

Let's energize your business!

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