6 min read
Why ReBrand Now? You Can Put Off ReBranding, But Do You Really Want To Kill Your Best Prospects?
You're not a murderer So why kill off your prospect pipeline with weak branding that sends them elsewhere!
"We are too busy mopping the floor…"
…to turn off the facet."
— Author Unknown
Over time, offerings can get muddled, processes inefficient, or markets shift. A rebrand refines your message, sharpens your value, and reconnects with your audience.
From marketing and customer experience to sales and beyond, rebranding isn’t just for the Fortune 500—it’s a growth engine for any business.
Done right, a rebrand preserves equity, drives awareness, and boosts profitability. (Done right, the process can even be used as a powerful marketing tool, showcasing your company’s evolution!)
Let’s evolve your brand to keep up with the market, your offerings, your sales and marketing. And let’s energize your business in a big way.
ReBranding gives you a chance to present your company's current strengths, so you can compete and sell more powerfully!
Even if you’ve been in business for years.
(Especially if you've been in business for years!)
”Our Great Wraps brand was in need of repositioning, and we turned to Joel Alpert at MarketPower for help. Joel helped us discover what customers valued in Great Wraps. In doing so, he essentially reintroduced us to our Brand. He worked with us on strategic thinking, research, and helped us create a meaningful tagline. Equipped with this superior brand identity, we are now moving with confidence to redesign every element of the Brand. Our future is indeed brighter. If you’re seeking to delve into the core of your Brand, I recommend Joel Alpert to lead the way.”
Mark Kaplan
Great Wraps
“The second time we hired Joel and the MarketPower Team was to help us plan and develop our branding and marketing program for our IT Services company. We are in a very, very competitive market, and knew that strong branding and marketing was necessary to differentiate ourselves. Joel has worked with us on his “PowerBranding” strategic process, through detailed content and “creative direction.” When we have shown marketing materials such as website or brochure to our prospects, they have consistently commented — without us asking — that they really like our strategy, content, marketing, and design, and that is one of the key differentiators we have been looking for.”
Atlanta ReBranding Consultant suggests sorting through what rebranding shouldn't be, and making it really work for your business:
Rebranding shouldn’t be a kneejerk reaction. Quick fixes won’t cut it… and can even be harmful.
Are you thinking you just need…
Another website redesign?
A trendy logo color?
A new homepage photo?
A new logo from Fiverr?
Nope, nah, fuh-gedda-boudit!
Changing the wrong things can twist you up, miss key opportunities, or overlook crucial details. At best, your website looks “better.” But nobody buys because of that alone. Worse, a weak rebrand can confuse and dilute your message, not good.
A good strategic rebrand starts with figuring out what should be done, and how it’s rolled out. That's part of our strategic thinking process.
You might need updated company / product / service positioning… might need to re-think your business processes and how these are presented on your website… you might need a strategic overhaul. All depends on where you're at, and where you want to go.
We don't want to build on a weak foundation. So we examinee reality and our assumptions, break things down and build them back up. We engage stronger strategic and brand thinking…focusing on making a strong first impression, engaging your audience, and guiding them through your sales process, making it easier to do business with your business.
Let’s think. Be clear, compelling, and impactful. Let’s make your rebrand really work for you.
And if you did this stuff... don't you think it would differentiate your company better, and explain your products and services, so you could turn suspects into prospects… and prospects into customers… faster, and in great numbers?
And if you did this "PowerReBrand" stuff… is it okay with you that your business will be more productive… operate and convert prospects more efficiently… and be more profitable?
A good rebrand happens when we put fuzzy business, branding and marketing into focus. Many questions will be unique to your business to gain key insight, and may include… Often these questions include… What's changed in the marketplace? How has your company evolved since the last brand checkup? Have you figured out better ways to offer your product or services…or do you need to? What needs to change in your business or marketing? Why do your prospects buy? Why from competitors? Why from your company? Why do they say yes, and what does it take to move there? Would adjusting the substance and presentation of your product and service offerings be stronger? Do we need to have a fresh new look? Is "measured evolution" or "innovative revolution" the right move? And can we work to move your sales process towards... more sales? We're not asking these questions randomly. They come out in our working process. And that vital reboot unravels what has gotten off track -- or never was fully on track. When you do it well, you light up your business and its relationships. And if you did this... don't you think it would make your business more productive, efficient and more profitable?
"The brand element of that combined market value amounts to around one-third of the total, which confirms the brand as the most important single corporate asset.”
— “Brands And Branding” (Bloomberg Press)
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