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MarketPower delivers the same kind of high-end value to small-medium business, as it does for the big dogs.

"Brand" rubber stamp, drawng attention to buttons linking to branding, strategy, rebrand, marketing, targeted marketing/direct mail, guidance

Now you can gain the strategic insight, brand development, and award-winning creative marketing skills that really attract your prospects — the stuff we used to provide only to the biggest companies in America. (And we do stuff the major agencies never thought of doing!)


We scale it back in scope and cost to meet the needs of your small business.


We work with start-ups, one-person consulting firms, or a small business employing thousands.


(And Fortune 500 companies — we still like you, we'll toss the t-shirt into the laundry and put on a sport jacket to visit you, too.)



Allright, allright, allright…



Small-Medium business strategy, branding, and marketing needs to level-up. It wants to. It has to.

In a world that is attuned to the idea of "branding" being important… it is. Your "Brand" — however you appreciate that phrase, is critical.


Company name, logo, and tagline rate.  The content, design, and personality of our social media content and posts matter. Your marketing communications and presentations need to be spot-on.


Because this is expected of you and your business. Even if this branding and marketing stuff isn't exactly your business.


Many small business and medium-sized businesses are stuck. SMB's/SME's can't hire the major agencies. And those agencies only produce communications — often a more fundamental level or strategy or product development is needed to develop greater potential. (Because, as just one example, selling to a more select market will do better than throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.)


So you tap MarketPower. And you get the good stuff. Strategy, branding, marketing communication, direct response, presentations, executive support and more  At a tiny fraction* of what agencies charge for this work.


(* We often label the work Joel does for you as "Fractional CMO," Fractional Marketing Communications, and the like — that means we provide stronger work, with your team or ours, on a part-time basis. So you get the smarts, without the higher-cost overhead. 


You can get a short-term program of deliverable… or ongoing part-time support to build the business.


Giving you a combination of unique capabilities you can't quite get elsewhere.


That ain't bad.



Where do you want to go in your business?

(Want our expert guidance to help figure that out?)



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